The objective is to locate and advance high-quality prospects through exploration to discovery. Our target area, from a generative point of view, is the relatively underexplored Puna Plateau – a southeastern extension of the well-explored Central Andes – which represent one of the richest Cu-Mo-Au provinces in the world, being also host to the so-called “Lithium Triangle”.
The AMEx investment thesis is centered around the strategically located ”Puna Plateau Prospective Region”. Our commodity focus is mainly governed by its known geological potential for Precious, Base and Battery Metals.
AMEx target commodities correlate well with major macro-economic trends
Correlation between copper production and population growth (USGS)
Global distribution of copper content by deposit type. Sizes of circles equal relative amount of copper in each deposit. (Singer, 2017).
Investment Attractiveness Index – Latin America and the Caribbean Basin according to Fraser Institute (2020).
The Puna Plateau hosts significant Cu and Au deposits (Taca Taca, Lindero etc.) and numerous prospects and mineral occurrences with high exploration potential. It also offers open exploration potential when compared to the Eocene-Oligocene belt of northern Chile.
There are two main reasons to use remote sensing applications and A-I algorithms in early-stage exploration: (1) establishing vectors to mineralization in remote terrains; and (2) ensuring that our operational footprint remains as low as possible. We build local and international partnerships to synergistically promote AMEx project generation based on opportunities and modern technology, respectively.
We target exploration properties with high potential for the discovery of Au, Cu and Li. The Puna de Atacama Region hosts numerous world-class porphyry Cu systems that typically form as clusters on top of fractioning crustal magma chambers which has important implications. The clustering nature of these systems provides exciting exploration opportunities in the vicinity of already discovered deposits. AMEx views the relatively underexplored region at the border between Chile and the Salta Province of Argentina as highly prospective for the discovery of porphyry Cu and high-sulfidation epithermal Au deposits.
Using Data Science in Mineral Exploration: AMEx partners locally and internationally for the systematic implementation of hyperspectral remote sensing data analysis and A+I algorithms to find and advance mineral prospects to discovery.